Courtroom Play: A Courtroom Play
Well-constructed, very funny play, with a real star in the making in the lead character. Her comedic timing was masterful.
Really strong cast but standout performances were from Thom Tuck as the Judge and Katherine Rodden as the lead.
The cast is completed by the delightful straight talking, expletive effusive Kate, (Katherine Rodden)
Katherine Rodden (Kate) brings well-received humour to the piece and subtly represent numerous so-called ‘social issues’ within ourselves.
Moran’s cast is undeniably strong and the scope in which they opened the text up was a real delight to watch. Katherine Rodden (Kate) becomes the voice of us, the audience.
Not Now, But Now
Katherine Rodden is just perfect in this role. Absolutely perfect. her voice, her behavious- all bring to life a strong force to behond.
Rodden really plays with Cora's conflicting character, finding sensuality and vulnerability beneath the cool veneer. Cora is always hiding a quiet desperation which Rodden really lets rip in the final scene of the play. There's an alluring sense of enigma in everything that Rodden does here, making her an incredibly compelling lead to watch throughout.
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds
Ruth, played wonderfully by the compelling Katherine Rodden, is the quintessential annoying sister. Her teasing and sly attacks coupled with a hyperactive personality and an ever-looming threat of a nervous or stress-based ‘attack’ makes her a fascinating character.
Rodden's teenage girl demands the audience's attention while simultaneously presenting a character as complex and dark as it is bubbly.
Jessica Owens
Rodden manages to make Ruth both perfectly unbearable and utterly endearing at the same time.
Stephen St Clement
A Woman of No Importance, Or Somewhat Little Importance Anyhow
It’s a self-pitying opening scene done marvellously, not only for Katherine Rodden’s (who also wrote this) spot-on drunken acting. A lot is required of Katherine Rodden – she is the glue that holds every scene together.
As her self-obsessed grumblings travelled towards the audience, I envisioned myself hating this woman for the rest of the play. Luckily, Katherine Rodden plays her at just the right level so she feels more like a real person with flaws rather than the one-note irritation she easily could have been.
Katherine Rodden takes to the stage with ease and has the audience giggling as she merrily prances about her flat, chatting to herself in a plum-English, drunken slur about the woes of being a struggling actress. The comedy heightens when Lauren’s mother turns up unexpectedly. Rodden depicts an awkward mother-daughter relationship where neither really enjoys the other’s company. It is packed with hilarious one-liners from both characters - even when Mother announces that she has left Lauren’s father and wants a divorce. The high standard of acting and writing portrays a very believable relationship.
“The script is hilarious”
“This scene is so close to comedy perfection; a delightful blend of comic timing, wonderful writing, and a talented cast brings the script to life making the audience roar with laughter.”
“A great script, full of big laughs and wonderful slapstick.”
“The writing was really excellent and I think Rodden could easily give a fresh take on the old comedy of manners genre. Her strengths lie in the witty banter she has written among the different family members especially between the daughter and the mother”
“Highly crafted and with plenty of lovingly researched detail, Katherine Rodden’s play is an enjoyable, contemporary nod to a bygone era.“
“A Woman of No Importance… Or Somewhat Little Importance Anyhow isn't exactly Wilde but it does manage to weave much of his humour and profound subtleties throughout the rich dialogue. Fans of the great man need not despair. In fact, I have a feeling that if he were here today Oscar would have enjoyed many elements of this show.”
“Apart from the script, the best thing about this play is certainly the performances.”
“This is a refreshing piece of fringe theatre, in a delightful space, and with an exciting cast. It touches upon an array of themes in a light-hearted manner without overwhelming the audience. Paradigm Theatre Company certainly succeeds in quenching our thirst for new comedy.”
Dorine played by Katherine Rodden, she was the unexpected star of the show.
Paloma Kubiak
Katherine Rodden as bawdy Dorine brings some much needed oomph to the stage
Honour Bayes
The loveable and very funny 'French maid' Dorine played by Katherine Rodden- this actress actually enjoys communicating directly with the audience - not something every actor enjoys doing.
Aline Waites
Katherine Rodden as the maid, Dorine, was brilliant; her cynical and relentlessly realistic approach to the occasionally farcical proceedings were spot on and gave them balance
Dorine (Katherine Rodden) stood out as an actor to watch for future stars.
Public Review Time Out
Katherine Rodden showed throughout that she had complete control over both her character and the language. She plays Dorine, the servant , with great pizzaz. She pranced around the stage sticking her nose in the affairs of Orgon and the rest of the people at his establishment.
Katherine Rodden as Dorine, the saucy and over bearing house maid commanded the stage with a fiery, sparring tongue and a no holds barred attitude.
Katherine Rodden as Dorine, the cheerful, vulgar, busybody maid, and general Jiminy Cricket to the rest of the family. Her comic presence and likeable character hauled this play up by the scruff of its neck and dragged it inexorably through to the end.
Review by Genni Trickett